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Author: Zachary Hall

Water System Improvements

BCA worked with the Village of Deferiet on the completion of a comprehensive study to determine the feasibility of a joint water system improvement project. BCA assisted the Villages in securing a $2 million grant and 0% interest loan from the NYS EFC DWSRF program. A $622,000 grant from USDA Rural Development and $400,000 grant from the Local Government Efficiency Programs were also secured to complete the needed improvements. The joint project involved the construction of a shared glass-lined elevated tank to serve both the Village of Deferiet and the Village of Herrings (now the Town of Wilna).

Wastewater Treatment Plant

2011 APWA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT OF THE YEAR BCA has been working with Sackets Harbor since 1970. BCA designed significant upgrades to their Wastewater Treatment Plant, constructing a new sequencing batch reactor plant and also incorporating a belt filter press for sludge management.  The new plant has fine bubble diffusers, premium efficient motors, drives, and blowers and has the ability to handle up to 2.8 MGD for daily peak flows.  The project included UV disinfection, solar arrays to operate the plant, and a new lift station and force main.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

BCA worked with the Village of Philadelphia on an upgrade to the collection system, and the replacement of the WWTF with a new Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Plant. To maximize funding, the $7.7M project was split into two equal phases. Total project funding included a $500,000 USDA RD Grant, $2,000,000 NYS EFC Principal Forgiveness Grant, and a $5,200,000 NYS EFC 0% Interest Loan.

Salt Storage Facility

BCA worked with the Town of Champlain on its most recent project, the design and construction management of a 72′ wide by 200′ long salt storage facility. BCA assisted the Town with grant and M/WBE/EEO administration and reimbursement requests. The Town completed over $100,000.00 of in-kind site work on this $860,000.00 project.

Wastewater Treatment

BCA has been working with the Village of Cape Vincent since 1970 and most recently designed the new $9,600,000 wastewater collection and treatment facilities improvement project. The collection facilities improvements consisted of replacing selected sections of existing sanitary gravity sewer mains and replacing existing deteriorated lift stations with new pumping stations and force mains. The project was financed by a $2,000,000 NYSEFC Principal Forgiveness Grant, a $1,700,000 USDA Rural Development grant, a $100,000 loan, and a $5,800,000 interest-free NYSEFC loan.

Water & Wastewater Reconstruction with New Streetscape

BCA has been working with the Village of Sackets Harbor since 1970. The most recent project work included the utility design to separate the water and sanitary mains and re-use the rook old trench for storm mains. This utility reconstruction planning included a streetscape design with an enhanced sidewalk design reaching from the waterfront to the restaurant district and provided the basis for the long-planned Market Square Park. The Market Square Park included 4,000 linear feet of sidewalk, street lighting, and blocks of additional granite paving and new street paving.

Thompson Road Bridge Reconstruction

The Thompson Road Bridge over Rice Creek was red flagged in 2018 by the NYSDOT for excessive scour present under the twin pipe arches. Following the flag, the bridge was closed by the Town of Oswego in October. Thompson Road serves as a major bypass route around a steep section of NYS Route 104 that frequently becomes difficult to navigate during the winter. Thompson Road is also traveled by multiple SUNY Oswego buses daily. In February 2019, the Town authorized BCA Architects & Engineers to perform an engineering study evaluating potential repair and replacement options. BCA studied a non-traditional repair involving injection of polyurethane grout into the scour-critical subsoils around the existing culverts, as well as a traditional replacement. The replacement structure studied was a three-sided concrete culvert with headwalls and wingwalls. This alternative also featured a rock vane to prevent future scour by controlling water velocities through the new structure. The engineering study was accepted in February 2020, and the Town selected the $1.3M replacement option as the preferred alternative. BCA completed design in June 2020, secured the USACE and NYSDEC in-stream work permits, and the Town advertised for bids in July. Slate Hill Constructors was the successful bidder and began construction in September. Although an undocumented bridge abutment from a previous structure was uncovered, Slate Hill completed the project ahead of schedule in November. The final cost of the project, including increases associated with removal of the unforeseen abutment and additional paving performed by the Town was $1.2M. Total Project Value: $1.2M Engineers Name: BCA Architects & Engineers Contractor’s Name: Slate Hill Constructors, Inc.

Day Care Center

BCA Architects & Engineers has been working with Jefferson Community College since 1994. BCA designed a new daycare center to serve the needs of students at Jefferson Community College in providing certified programs for young children while parents attended college classes. The facility has been designed to the program criteria established by the college as well as the mandated requirements of the New York State Department of Social Services. The innovative floor plan offers the children large classroom areas at the ends of the building, allowing light to enter on three sides and a central core containing the toilet rooms, kitchen, mechanical room, laundry room and storage space. Although constructed under a tight budget and construction schedule, the campus daycare facility with its stained cedar siding and traditional roof lines blends will with the natural setting of its site and is an asset to the campus as a whole.

Science & Lab Renovations

CA Architects & Engineers has been working with Jefferson Community College since 1994. The most recent project work included an asbestos abatement of the flooring, piping, counter-tops and ductwork of JCC’s science labs. In addition, they created new physics, chemistry and chemical storage labs that included new lighting, finishes and cabinetry, all the while, integrating the JCC technology infrastructure. In those same areas, they added faculty office spaces for both the physics and chemistry departments. They also provided wheelchair accessibility for both the science labs and faculty spaces.